Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Being away from place I'm so used to is sobering. It's quite a thought when you realize that the world keeps on turning without you doing the things you're so used to doing. Life goes on. But it works the other way too. I think it's good to get away and clear your mind and remind yourself of the things that are important to you. Work-wise, there is about one thing that's important and it's the person who sits behind me. It makes me really appreciate what a good deal I got when I got my current job. Of all the people in all the world, I was lucky enough to get someone I could relate to, especially when the pool of those people is probably pretty small. Things do happen for a reason. Maybe I don't realize it until way after, but at this point, I do realize I'm lucky to have met Petricia. She's a doll.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Petricia feels lucky to have you on her team as well. There is no one she would rather trudge this reality road with!