Monday, July 21, 2008

Tori, Tori, Tori

My world has been so insular lately. I don't mind it, I'm not complaining. It's obviously my choice. I'm lucky enough to have some amazing people to rely on and who take the brunt of my craziness.
Still, today was a nice shake up. After some waffling about, I agreed to go with my friend JG to line up in front of Amoeba Records at 5:30 AM to wait in line until 10:30 AM so we could buy copies of the new Tori Amos comic book, "Comic Book Tattoo." I'm not really a comic book fan. I like movies based on them, but have never really seriously read them. But it was Tori, and if you were one of the first 200 people, you got a wristband that entitled you to come back and have something signed.
I love Tori Amos. My sister came back from college in 1994 with a CD of "Under the Pink." I copied it to tape, but never really gave it a serious listen. A few months later, I was taking a Humanities class and the teacher played the video of "Winter" to demonstrate editing techniques. I couldn't get the song out of my head. And from then on, I was hooked. I've seen her live time and time again, I've traveled to see her, bought everything I could get my hands on. I've had dreams about meeting her and crying.
Still, I wasn't that enthused to wait in line for hours... but I did it. Why not? I'm unemployed, direction-less, what's the harm?
I was pretty placid for most the time, that is, until it was time to come back and actually meet her. I will say that Amoeba was amazing. They brought us water and fans while we were waiting and answered all our questions and treated us extremely nice as they led us around.
Waiting in line, my heart started beating and my legs got week. we waited around for a while and when she finally came out, I was FREAKED. I was trying to keep calm, but it was hard. I recalled making fun of my nieces a week before as they went crazy at a Jonas Brothers concert in Milwaukee, but here I was, going crazy. JG went first and seemed in complete control of his faculties as he discussed his music with her. As I stood there, next in line, I felt like I was going to have a heart attack.
It was my turn.
"I have dreams I meet you and immediately start crying. So I'm trying to keep it together," I confessed. She smiled.
"What's your name?"
"Kristopher," I said and shook her hand, "My boyfriend and my sister both wanted me to say hi and that they love you."
"That's sweet," she replied. Tori looked like some kind of beautiful elf creature. Bright blue eyes, glowing skin, her long red wig flowing.
"So are you here alone?" she asked.
"I'm with JG."
"So, are you working on music too?"
"No, but I've taken photos for him."
"That's great," she said and smiled as she wrote "For Kristopher" on the "Don't Make Me Come to Vegas" LP I had brought for her to sign. She was shockingly genuine and sincere.
She looked down at her work.
"I forgot to sign it!" she realized. "Can you make sure when you go back that I signed his. If not, just send him right back."
"I will," I responded. I could feel my time ticking away and gathered up my courage. I had seen other people hugging her, and wanted so badly to do the same.
"Can I give you a hug?"
"Sure," she said without a beat and stood up.
"Thank you so much. You're music has meant the world to me for so long," I said quietly as we hugged.
She sat back down.
"Thank you so much," I added.
"Thank you," she said and gave me a look. At this point, I was probably worse than my 16, 14 and 12 year old nieces at the Jonas Brothers. I was a grown man on the verge of tears in front of a petite red-head musician.
"Thank you," I said again and she acknowledged me with a wordless hand gesture that meant the world.
I walked off. My throat felt like it was knotting up. I'm not sure what it was, but it felt that way for a while after. I had been touched by the goddess.
It's amazing meeting someone you've admired and loved for so long and finding them be better than you could ever imagine. I'm glad I left my bubble and took a chance. It was definitely an experience I'll never forget.


K & A said...

Glad you finally got to meet your goddess. Did you show her the video you made of her flying over LA with her piano? I love the part when she almost hits the big crane in Hollywood.


tzatz said...

hi there, a big "thank you" for this video and lovely description and a huge "I envy you" for meeting Tori.

An EWF from Greece...