Monday, September 29, 2008


It's all about timing. It's all about the when. At least, I tell myself that.
Yesterday, when I was hitting with B, things felt right and I felt it was all about the timing: getting myself to the right place, swinging at the right time. Asking my boss about moving to another job in the middle of the season--that was definitely bad timing. Meeting B when I did, after months of soul searching--that was good timing (at least for me, at first it seemed like he wanted more time to do his own soul searching, but luckily he cut it short).
I don't think things are coming together for me because I'm still not ready for them to come together. I forget that my one goal needs to be figuring out what it is I really want. Sometimes I feel like I'm flailing around, hoping to catch on to something. Part of timing is being prepared. I'm not prepared, but I want to be. I just wish I knew what questions I should be asking. And I wish I was brave enough to really answer the ones I do ask.

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