Friday, October 10, 2008


I'm open to criticism. Like everyone, it's not always easy to hear, but I try. I try to make things better, I try to explain where I'm coming from and take in what I'm being given. Still, there's better and there's different. Everyone has a viewpoint, everyone has a way of doing things. I think sometimes when a lot of people are involved in something, things get changed over ways of seeing things. Sometimes things are better, sometimes worse, sometimes the same. (The rate at which things change is related to people's rank above and below one another.)
I find it easier to let go of some things, but desperate to hold on to others. But I think sometimes I want to succeed and fail on my own. I think it's better to fail at something I have ownership over rather than succeed at something that's been totally compromised. There's something nice in a failure I can claim as my own. It's nice to be able to learn those lessons and be allowed to make mistakes.
Today I was allowed to have my own viewpoint and style, to do something like I wanted to do it. Yeah, it got changed, but I didn't have to change it. It was a small pleasure, but one I was happy to enjoy.

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