Dear ________,
I do it too. I read a book or watch a movie or listen to a song and identify with it. It's the human condition. We want to relate to things, we want to have that connection. We want things to be about us. We're naturally selfish creatures. We view the world from our own view point, it's unique and the sum total of our genes and our parents and friends and siblings and where we lived and everything else that led us up to this point. This point right now. And it's different for everyone, but we want a commonality. We want to know we're not alone. We want to think that we're the most important thing. And we are... to ourselves.
In the future, when I write letters, you should take whatever you want to take from them. It doesn't matter if they are actually to you or to someone else, if you recognize something in them in yourself, take note. If it doesn't apply, just brush it off and say to yourself, "K's being a K today."
But here's what I'm asking you. Don't ask me to explain myself. I'm not forcing you to read this. I do it for myself. I think a lot of people come here looking for A's wonderful writing, but instead find my self-indulgence and rambling thoughts. I've been told as much. People asking "Why would you write that? Why would you put that in a public blog." It's because I can.
A while ago I slowly started making the decision to try to be more open. Back in the day people accused me of always listening to them and never sharing my own ideas and stories. I think I didn't share because I never felt I had anything important to say. I never felt like what I said had any value. I still feel like that sometimes, but I've been trying to be more open. And this is one of the ways I try. It's good for me.
Everything is fiction anyway.
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Well I enjoy reading whatever you write!
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