Saturday, January 3, 2009

Disco Jesus (Part 1)

There's been a light flickering over the crucifix at church for the past few weeks. I think it's a short and for some reason it hasn't been fixed. I like it. The lights flicker erratically: short, long, on, off, flicker, flash. I like to ask questions and think that the flashing lights are answering me. Of course, whatever I ask, I can pretty much take any flashing as a sign of whatever it is I want the answer to be.
And the answer today was it's time to start a new blog.
I started thinking about it a little while ago when someone made the comment that all the blue was drowning out the pink. It wasn't the first comment that made me feel guilty for taking up so much space on what is a joint effort. I realize I've usurped this whole blog and the "s" in thrivingoleanders is somewhat missing.
I think sometimes people are looking for pink and are assaulted with blue. Or pink is there, but there's so much blue all around it, it gets prematurely pushed down. Or some people just don't get that A is pink and K is blue and end up thinking A is writing things that she's not actually writing and then she has to answer questions that have nothing to do with her. Or A gets associated and has to deal with comments that are mostly geared towards K.
In any case, today is the day. A year has passed since the first post on thrivingoleanders and it's time for a spin-off. I'll try to gear my thrivingoleander blogs more towards stuff that it was meant for, especially since K and A are starting new adventures in new places. And the new blog will probably be mostly the same stuff that this blog has been for me: venting, dreaming, naval gazing, waxing on, confessing, and the like.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
