Friday, July 18, 2008

Foot to the Face

I woke up today at 6:30 AM to paw (complete with protruded nail) to my face. It was so unsettling to be stirred from sleep in such a way. I immediately put my hand to my face and curled up, not knowing what hit me. There was blood and shock. It's a horrible feeling to be unsettled when sleeping. Once again, I'm reminded of the time that the FBI invaded my neighbor's house in my old apartment building. It was so loud and scary that I sat right up and had trouble sleeping for more than a month afterward.
When B's not around, my sleeping routine is so different, I find myself staying awake longer, sleeping longer. I think I'm less relaxed, and so it's not as easy to just fall asleep. It's strange realizing that someone can do that to you. Without even knowing it, the other person is embedded in your life. Of course, B was just talking about how comfortable the bed in his Canadian hotel is, so I doubt he feels the same. Of course, anything is more comfortable than a cat using one's face for a road.

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