Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Last Night...

...I was with family driving down a stretch of flat, Texas countryside. Someone had to stop to pick up something. I'm not sure what it was. There was a shop out in the middle of nowhere and I went in to check things out. Inside, I was going through all the items in this thrift store place. It was insanely crowded given where it was located. I went through the records, which were 2 for 25 cents. I then freaked out because I found 2 rare Barbra Streisand recordings I had never heard of. Why is Barbra Streisand on my mind? I'm not really sure. But I know I was really happy when I found those records. I immediately thought to call AC, who is the one person who shares my love for Babs, but I had to leave a message.

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