Tuesday, January 15, 2008

New Year...New You

Every year, around this time, I make a decision to do things differently. Exercise more, step out of my comfort zone, finish my unfinished manuscripts, live each day to the fullest, move to Africa and change the world one orphan at a time…you get the picture. And every year, around this time, I think back to what I actually accomplished the year before…how I did things differently. Unfortunately, my list is usually short. Sure, I manage to red pen a line through a couple painless tasks, ie. getting a puppy, landing a “real” job, joining a gay tennis league. But, anything that requires real effort on my part is forgotten or left for next year’s resolution list. So, tonight (while watching the season premiere of American Idol), I will sit on the floor with my magazines and my poster board and create my vision board for 2008. But, this year feels different…at least for now. Maybe it was the loss of my niece, the toll it took on my sister, my parents, me…the awareness of how short life is and the realization that the phrase “live life to the fullest” is much more then just a cliché. This year, I really am making a decision to do things differently…at least for now anyway.

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