Monday, January 7, 2008

*Title Changed*

The rain falls for days and Los Angeles is clean for a moment. But the things that really need cleaning still have a sheen of dirt. Those things seem to stay the same no matter what happens--those passive-aggressive digs and ways of keeping control. I know there's a reason for everything, but it gets frustrating when you think that you might not figure out that reason until years down the line.
It seems that people go about things in completely different ways but the results are the same. One person will make jokes about how bad the things you do are, another will just take away the work you've done and replace it with a product that's somewhat... lacking. And in the end, you're left unsatisfied.
On the way to work this morning, a woman was smoking in her car with the window cracked open. She flicked her ashes out as she drove and threw out her cigarette butt when she finished. Even if the sheen of dirt is washed away, some people find a way to reapply it.

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