Thursday, December 11, 2008

"Moving On Up"

Everything is about to change. Why does change look so good when it is months away? It's like your neighbor, who looks really hot when he or she is across the street, but when she comes closer and stands on your front porch requesting a cup of wonder what you were thinking. Everything appears better when it is not in front of your face. When you are not forced to take action, to deal with something that has only been a fantasy.
Something that I have wanted for a very long time, is about to happen. I am merely hours away from seeing the results of something I manifested months ago. I remember sitting outside at the Galleria on a sunny LA day with my NLP life coach, Danny, and together we visualized this very thing, even down to the timing. I saw it in black and white and than in color. I heard the words being spoken and saw myself smile and accept the offer.
And we are.
Hold on K...this is going to be interesting.

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