Monday, December 15, 2008


Today is the day. It starts now. It's my chance to do unto others as I would have them do unto me. Four new people started work today. It's hard to believe that a little over a year ago, I was one of them. Except these new kids seem eager and on the ball. My transition into my day job wasn't easy. For months after my job started, I was kicking and screaming internally. I was moody and easy to irritate. I was a little lost as to what to do, but didn't want to ask questions. I'm sure I wasn't easy to work with, but there were still things that went on around me that I didn't appreciate. I guess now is my chance to be there, to answer questions, to not be in such a bad mood about it. I realize there were a lot of good things about the time I had and I want to make sure those good things continue. And now that I know the bad things, I can try to steer clear of them. That's the true test. Instead of continuing to do things just because they're done that way, it's time to make things right that weren't right before. It's time to let freedom ring.
The last couple days at work have been like a mirror. I've seen my bad behavior reflected back at me and it's time to deal with it. It's gross having to admit my faults and try to steer clear of being the ultimate hypocrite, but it's a lesson I need to learn.

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