Friday, June 20, 2008

Reality Really Does Bite

Oh my goodness, I just randomly flipped to a channel and "Reality Bites" is playing. I remember I was in high school when it came out and didn't really get what the big deal was, although I did appreciate the shout out to "Melrose Place." All these years later and I'm watching it and realizing that it does make some interesting points. Maybe it's just today or this week or something, but seeing Winona Ryder just sit on the couch and watch endless hours of tv and moan about her life makes me cringe. I'm cringing because it's annoying and I'm cringing because I see a little bit too much of myself in the character. And her character is a lot younger than I am!
At least we both have our Ethan Hawke's. Although mine's A LOT better than hers.

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