Monday, November 24, 2008

Mood Swings

I'm used to mood swings. My own mood swings. They're fine when I have them because I'm used to them. It's like a wave you have to ride out, not knowing exactly how and when things are going to turn. But other people's mood swings are another matter. What's even more disconcerting is when you have to deal with more than one person's. It's horrible, but I guess it's some kind of karma payback for people having to deal with mine.
Today I had to deal with insults disguised as jokes, a hyper attitude, unexplained cheeriness and sometime disinterest. It was a shock to have these things thrown at me out of nowhere on what seemed to me to be just another Monday. It was scary. It is scary because I don't know how to deal with what I'm being given. I don't know what action a reaction will provoke. I don't know what word will calm things down or make everything even more uncontrollable. It's at times like this when I start to believe in the stars and planets and the pull of the moon because there were just a lot of unexplained things going on around me.
Or maybe it's all me. I have an idea in my head about a line. Once you step over, everyone changes. But it's not everyone that changed, it's your view of everyone else. And you can't go back once you step over it. But that's a theory for another time. Until then, I'm riding the wave.

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