Sunday, November 2, 2008

Tennis with Friends

I have to admit, lately I've been over tennis. But today B got a call from some friends who wanted to hit and I agreed to go. It was surprisingly nice. No matches, no points, just hitting back and forth and good shots and bad shots and no pressure. What a difference the situation makes, but it was a good reminder that it doesn't always have to be pressure and nerves, there's another part of the game that I tend to ignore and it's the part that just involves having fun. I think my work now is to rediscover the fun part: not freaking out when I miss, not getting angry when I'm playing badly, not letting my nerves get the best of me, and not judging myself when I do let my nerves get the best of me. It's hard to be nice to myself, but hopefully I can make more of an effort.

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