Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Approval Ratings

I think we all want each other's approval. But where we vary is how far we're willing to go to get it. I think with me it depends on the person I'm wanting approval from. With some people, I could care less. With others, I'm totally desperate for it. It's interesting how the difference can totally shift the power in a relationship. It's so empowering when you can just write someone off because they don't mean that much to you. But the relationships that really matter are the ones where I want that approval and where things can get sticky.
I know people who want everyone's approval. They can't stand for someone to be mad or upset at them. I don't know what it's like to be that conscious of what others want. I know I deal with what I think other people's thoughts are, but to consistently try to live my life trying to be on everyone's good side would drive me a little crazy. Maybe I'm not that good of a person because I'm able to write people off. Maybe it's bad that I can be okay with people not liking me.
All I know is, there is something so beautiful about being able to let go. Just like there's something so beautiful about getting approval from someone you desperately crave it from. I guess what's important is figuring out who's approval is worth my time.

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