Friday, September 5, 2008


I'm fascinated by my own want and desire. Dealing with them is like being taught lessons that I never learn. I'm always interested something whether it be little or small. I become engulfed in figuring it out how to acquire it. There are things I'll do and things I won't, but that desire is a powerful thing. Suddenly what I'm trying to get becomes THE answer. It's the cure for everything. If I get it, I'll be happy and fulfilled. Everything will fall into place.
But it doesn't.
It never does.
There's never that one cure.
But I still don't learn my lesson.
And it's not like the things I want are a big deal that often. It could be a DVD, a season box-set of some television show, some toy I remember from childhood, a rare CD soundtrack. I think I don't learn my lesson because I don't want to. The act of desiring is seductive and powerful. The actual idea that one thing could be the be-all end-all is a great thing to think, even if the thought is delusional. It's like a momentary trip to a fairytale wonderland.

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