Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Dirty Secrets in Bathrooms

I've never been a fan of public bathrooms, but sometimes you just have to deal. Work provides its own problems. There are the single bathrooms, but you're never know what you'll get. The worst is when you walk in on someone else's mess and realize you can't just leave it the way you found it or someone might think you were the perpetrator. I don't know how people are so brazen to just leave behind overflowing or non-flushed toilets and think they can get away with it. But I guess they do get away with it a lot of the time. The other problem is using multi-person bathrooms. It's in those that you learn who who washes their hands and who doesn't. Sometimes the answers are surprising... and disturbing. Today I was surprised and disturbed at who didn't wash his hands. Was he in a rush? Was he trying to conserve water? Was he raised wrong? I guess you never can tell.

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